Business Rates

  • Principal & Interest
  • Property Tax
  • Home Insurance
  • PMI

Business rates represent as one of the major expenses for commercial property occupiers and can be a huge financial burden, especially on properties in a central location, and/or commands a large area. Following the most recent revaluation, which came into effect in April 2023, many are still seeing a sizable rates bill on their property.

Following a major workflow overhaul of the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) in 2017, arguably the appeal process has become substantially more cumbersome to the rate bill payers.

It is therefore important to check to ensure that the rates bill are valued correctly, as well as to make use of all applicable discounts and exemptions available.

Started in 2008, we have been providing business rates appraisal and appeal services to over 5,200 property occupying businesses. Our specialist rates department has been correcting valuations and optimising available relieves/exemptions, and have generated many millions in saving to our clients.

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