
Are you looking to develop your property? If so, you need to make sure that you have the proper planning permission in place before the development. Our team of planning experts can help you navigate the complex planning system and get the permission you need.

Permitted development is a set of rules that allow homeowners to make certain changes to their properties without needing planning permission. However, there are often a number of misconceptions about permitted development that can prevent homeowners from taking advantage of it, or worse, developing a property without proper planning consent, which can lead to enforcement action to revert some or all of the works.


We have a team of experienced planning consultants who are experts in the planning system, both nationally and council-specific. We also have a good working relationship with many case workers from different councils. We can help you identify planning constraints that your site faces, and we can help you develop a planning strategy that is likely to be successful.

We offer a comprehensive planning service that includes:

  • Site assessment and planning strategy development
  • Preparation of planning applications
  • Representation at planning meetings
  • Ongoing advice and support

If you are interested in how best to increase the size or change your property for the better, please contact us today. We would be happy to discuss your project and answer any questions you may have.

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